Timothy Cocaro
Timothy is CEO of RESCON Builders the largest dedicated Granny Flat, building company in Australia, and founder of Canibuild, a sales app changing how the world’s builders sell construction.
Questions Asked and Answered
When did granny flats come to Australia?
Are they all over Australia, or mainly in New South Wales?
Would you say there was ever an explosion of them there, or has it been gradual?
Are there other common names for granny flats?
When did you start ResCon?
How many granny flats has your company built?
Does your company build other stuff or only granny flats?
How many "large" granny flat builders are there in Australia?
What's your company business model? Is it design build? Or, is most of your work using standardized models?
How is financing for your units generally handled?
How many employees? Do you sub out portions of the construction work?
Can you help explain any difference between your understanding of your business model vs an American homebuilder's business model?