ADU Academy in San Diego on March 7th, 2025

Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit on Your Property in

Portland, Oregon 

The next class date has not been announced

This class is intended for homeowners interested in building an ADU on their property. For most homeowners, building an ADU is not simple or straightforward--it’s essentially the job of being a land developer--- a job that most of us know have ever done, or will likely ever do again.

Think of this class as an on-ramp to the process of designing and building an ADU. This class will open your eyes to the spectrum of content that you'll execute and manage in the course of designing and building and ADU. It is intended to make the whole process and project better by helping you understand the ADU design, management, and building process.

The class is intended to help you understand, and be prepared for, the ADU design, permit, management, and building process. The class will help you save time and money. And the class will help you build a better product--an ADU that will work well for your particular situation.

In the process of designing and building my ADU, I have become passionate about ADUs generally. I am not a general contractor nor an architect trying to pitch my services to you. I am an ADU advocate, educator, and consultant with a lot of practical information to share about them. The class is full of extremely high-value information that you can't find anywhere else.

In this past year since COVID began, many important changes have occurred to Portland's zoning regulations, which we will cover, including the Residential Infill Project, and regulations that are moving forward regarding the allowance tiny houses on wheels on residential properties. For those who are located in Oregon, but outside of the City of Portland, we will also cover HB 2001 changes to ADU codes. These changes are all VERY exciting and offer a range of new development opportunities for homeowners.

There are regularly attendees from out of town, including from Seattle, Eugene, Bend, and cities across California and Hawaii. Attendees from other jurisdictions find the class valuable and worthwhile. Though the class if Portland focused, roughly 2/3rds of the information is applicable to any jurisdiction.

I've taught this full day class to over 2,000 homeowners. 2/3rds of the attendees of this class go on to build an ADU.

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You’ll Walk Away from the Class Understanding…

  • The design, permitting, and building process

  • Relevant green building concepts, approaches, and certifications

  • Financing, property taxes, rebates, incentives, cost-saving design/build measures, contracts

  • Resources, references and contacts to help you design and build your ADU (including ADU regulations, local building material sourcing recommendations, a budget sample, contract types and more)

You’ll be able to ask (and answer) questions and network with other local homeowners who are considering building an ADU.


  • The course cost is in person is normally $165. This online version will be $95.

  • The course will be from 10am to 3pm with a short lunch break. The class is going to be a fast-paced course that will cover lots of material. Be prepared with questions and be ready to take notes. I will have some handouts.

Instructor Qualifications

Here's what some of the 2,000+ previous participants have said of their class experience

Dear Kol,
It was a real treat meeting you and taking your Saturday seminar. I am so critical of these types of events and yours was truly superb. Perhaps the most informative, well-organized day-long conference I've ever been to. Thank you!
Now, when can you come for a consult?
Warm Regards,


I have a better understanding of the whole process, and now feel more comfortable with the idea.

I love the list of steps to build the ADU. The packet is great. I like the discussion re: design/build vs architects. Information regarding costs is very useful.

All of this class was useful, but most useful would be the part giving the particulars around regulations for parking space, height of space, and distances from the property lines

Definition of ADU vs detached bedroom. Understanding the building codes. Seeing some ADUs in process.

I'm in the beginning stages, so all of this information was invaluable ---to answer questions I have, and to bring up questions that I didn't know I should have.

Knowing the time frame of potential project phases. True cost of permits and the amount of work that goes into them.

So much good info! I definitely learned more than I expected to.

Everything. I appreciate the info on budgeting, permitting, design, construction.

Incredible class. Very great information. I feel like I can thoroughly explain process to my clients.