Congratulations, you’ve registered to participate in ADU Academy in Los Angeles on February 9, 2024!

Plan to arrive for check-in by 8am on Friday, February 9th. The ADU Academy will be held at the Culver City Veterans Memorial Building at 4117 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90230.

For all participant information, bookmark this page:

Transportation and Directions

Parking is free and plentiful, however, please plan accordingly to arrive at check-in no later than 8:15 am. Parking is free and abundant, however, plan accordingly to ensure that you arrive to check in by 8:15.

Class Curriculum Design

ADU Academy has been designed with you in mind. There will be two concurrent morning tracks: Design and Real Estate. In the afternoon, there will be two concurrent morning tracks: Build and Finance/Appraisal.

“But, I want to attend both tracks!!”, you declare.

Don’t worry. Read on….

Although you may have a stronger interest in one track over another, we have designed a special format for the day that will ensure all Academy participants gain exposure to all of the Academy’s core curriculum.

Here’s how we’re setting it up. You will receive the instruction from our ADU professionals on all four subjects, Real Estate, Design, Lending and Appraisal, and Building. There will be two tracks, with the longer presentation being the topic you are most interested in. There will be a morning presentations covering Real Estate and Design and an afternoon sessions covering Financing/Lending. and Building. An executive overview, approximately 50 minutes, will be offered for each subject.

No fear of missing out! You’ll get exposed to it all.

The goal is to provide exposure to the core curriculum to all attendees. This approach will ensure that everyone walks away with the Academy’s core content, and that you will be fully equipped for all components of the ADU Specialist Exam.

ADU Topical Breakout Groups

In the afternoon, we’ll be doing deeper dive breakout sessions. This is the chance to interact with focused groups around specific detailed elements of those topic areas that will be determined by the interests of the registered attendees prior to the Academy. These are the the breakout session topics.



Real Estate


Affordable ADUs

ADU Entrepreneurship

CA ADU Legislation

The Exam to Obtain an ADU Specialist Designation

The exam to obtain an ADU Specialist designation will be available online immediately following the Academy for Academy participants. Please bring a laptop or tablet to complete the exam. We will be encouraging you to take the exam at 5pm. The exam will have 31 multiple choice questions. You must get a 70% passing grade. The exam is open book, open note. If you do not pass initial attempt, you may retest later for the designation only, you will not receive CEs if you take the exam at a later time.

Once you’ve obtained the ADU Specialist designation, you get an awesome ADU Specialist gift Kol has designed for this occasion. These will only be available to those who pass the ADU Specialist exam.

Social Event

The social event will be held from 5:30 pm - 7 pm at Jameson’s Pub. 9546 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232. This is 0.8 miles from the venue, so you can walk there. You can also drive there, but parking options are very limited.

Consider walking there from the Academy, and then ride sharing back to your car at the Memorial Center’s parking lot.

Where to Stay

There are a number of hotels close by, primarily located along Culver Boulevard. One hotel that is 1.7 miles away that recommend is called Mayumi. It was $219/night when we last checked.

SoCal ADU Tour Details

Date: Saturday, February 10th, 2024

Time: 10 am - 3 pm

Format: Self-guided tour open ADUs divided in clusters.

Clusters location: Westside Los Angeles and Mid City

If you have any questions, please contact the ADU Training Coordinator directly at or (503) 968-7160 x 165. For general ADU training questions, email

See you at the Academy!